Net Digging What am I looking for and what can I found?


So I've started to dig.

What am I looking for?

Righ now, I'm looking for TTRPG recaps, but for the ones that wasn't prepared for audience. I mean, I'm using wordpress for my campaign recap, character list, item list, world eventes etc. And my girlfriend has another wordpress for her camapign. And some of my friends also has this kind of "open" tool to keep recaps. So - maybe there are some that aren't hide properly. I want to find them. Read about other people adventures, and their worlds. But not the ones prepare for read. I want the raw - the true power of imagination and fun. That's why I'm digging.

Have I've found something?

I think so - just a few for now:

  • Transformes - somebody had fun in transformers. Sadly, just two sessions.
  • Sprout - This not exactly a recap. But someone's character sheet for DnD. And, there's a journal, with some stories.
  • Keltokel - The whole world built. Races, NPC, world description, and recap for about 150 sessions.
  • Gehenna - Maybe not a recap, but if I understand correctly, someone's attempt to create own rpg. Pure fun - I love this kind of stuff!

But am I satified? Sadly - NO . These are still recaps prepared for outer world. Not prepared just for a group of friends to rember things. No thought shortcuts, no open lines in lore... So I'm still digging.